Since colleges and universities are coming to the end of the 2011-2012 school year, that means it’s time for commencement protests to begin. Here are some commencement speakers and the reasons given for the irritation they provoke among students:
Pat Boone, Adrian College (homophobe, birther)
Mitt Romney, Liberty University (Mormons not real Christians)
John Brennan, Fordham (war criminal)
President Obama, Columbia (war criminal)
Victoria Kennedy, Anna Maria College (pro-gay-marriage, pro-abortion)
Michael Bloomberg, Univ. of North Carolina (evicted Wall St. Occupiers)
Va. Gov. Bob McDonnell, Christopher Newport U. (anti-gay-marriage, anti-abortion)
Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Gonzaga (pro-abortion)
Antonin Scalia, Honorary degree, RPI (homophobe, sexist)
Geoffrey Canada, U. of Pennsylvania (not famous enough)
Umm, as an RPI student, please add “scientifically illiterate” to the reasons we think our technological institute shouldn’t give Scalia an honorary degree.
Actually, the invitation to Victoria Kennedy was rescinded after objections from their Bishop. She will, however, be speaking at Boston College Law.