Editor’s Note: This article was originally published by the College Fix on February 26, 2025. With edits to match MTC’s style guidelines, it is cross-posted here with permission. The National Endowment for the Humanities granted $247,000 to Central Washington University (CWU) to “digitally capture” the stories of transgender Americans over the age of 50. The federal grant will […]
Read MoreThere’s no federal law against bullying or homophobia. So the Department of Education recently decided to invent one. On October 26, it sent a “Dear Colleague” letter to the nation’s school districts arguing that many forms of homophobia and bullying violate federal laws against sexual harassment and discrimination. But those laws only ban discrimination based on sex […]
Read MoreA story in the March/April issue of the Washington Monthly about the demise last year, after its accreditation was pulled, of the financially and academically troubled Southeastern University in Washington, D.C., hit close to home. My home, actually, because I live just four blocks away from Southeastern’s decrepit single-building campus in Washington’s sleepy Southwest quadrant […]
Read More“Senior officials never discussed hippo phase-out” In case you were wondering.
Read MoreOperators of a diploma mill, convicted of selling 10,000 bogus academic degrees out of Spokane, Washington, are on their way to prison. The Justice department declined to release the names of buyers, saying that it was against policy, but the Spokesman-Review made the complete list public today on its website. The buyers include at least […]
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