When you graduate and get your first job, seeing the money rolling into your bank account feels momentous. After years of scrimping and saving, you finally have a positive bank balance to spend on something other than your tuition fees, rent, groceries, or nights out. While graduating is a big milestone and can feel like […]
Read MoreAlong with a 10-year corporate career, I studied in American business schools for about nine years, culminating in a Ph.D. from Columbia in 1991—Columbia was different back then because I did not need to file a “diversity, equity, and inclusion” plan. Then and now, though, American business schools have been long on theory but short […]
Read MoreI’m standing in line outside the Beacon Theatre. As the sun goes down, I find myself wondering why I made the drive from Philly to attend a Jordan Peterson (JP) presentation in Manhattan. As a junior in college, I sit through lectures every day. Do I really need another one? Yes, apparently, because I feel […]
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