illegal immigrants

A New ‘Ellis Island’: U.S. Colleges and Universities Defy Immigration Enforcement

As the Trump administration battles to secure the southern border and undo Biden’s reckless dereliction of duty—which allowed 10 million illegal migrants into the country—colleges and universities are doing everything they can to make immigration enforcement a nightmare. Instead of helping address this crisis, they’re actively obstructing federal agents, blatantly disregarding the rule of law […]

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Illegal Border Crossings Strain Legal English Language Learner Communities

I have taught non-native English-speaking students and trained teachers to serve these students in various settings for the past 45 years. I believe immigrants enrich our nation, and that is one reason why I went into the field of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). Over the years, I have co-sponsored a refugee […]

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Give Up Your Citizenship for $100,000 over Four Years?

• Campus Reform asked out-of-state students at UVA and UMD if they would be willing to give up their U.S. citizenship to become “undocumented students.”
• Out-of-state students at both universities pay nearly twice as much as in-state students and illegal immigrants pay.

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