
Is Keffiyeh Part of the Rebel Sell?

Author’s Note: Allow me to establish two points: First, I believe the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have crossed a morally acceptable line in their response to the October 7th pogrom. Second, the claim that George Soros is the main architect of the current mayhem seems too conspiratorial to me. Let’s examine the keffiyeh, a garment […]

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An Octogenarian Reflects Upon Student Protests Over Six Decades

As angry crowds of student protesters gathered at elite universities across the nation to call for a ceasefire—and, in many cases, to echo the Hamas demands for the destruction of Israel—many are no doubt inspired by the vision of earlier student protesters who brought an end to the senseless violence that resulted from American intervention […]

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A Simple Test for Diversity and Inclusion

While students and professors are entitled to protest any Israeli policy they want, intimations of Jew-hatred violate campus norms of diversity and inclusion (D&I)—as the E in DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) seems to be slipping out of fashion. These violations have become so rife and have been punished so lamely that they mock pledged […]

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Texas’s Higher Ed Officials Need to Wake Up

To regain order and discipline on our college campuses, leadership must understand the problem and who is involved. They must then take the necessary steps to ensure that every college campus provides a safe learning environment for all students. Since October 7, 2023, there have been many pro-Hamas and pro-Palestinian demonstrations on our nation’s college […]

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What Lies Behind Student Pro-Hamas, Anti-Israel, and Anti-Semitic Uprisings?

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published by The Epoch Times on April 29, 2024 and is crossposted here with permission. The sudden uprising of university students across North America in support of Hamas and allegedly about the welfare of Palestinians does not result, for most students, from close ties with people on the other side of […]

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Better Campus Incentives: Reward the Good, Punish the Bad

Bad pronouncements from fellow economists have historically caused lots of mischief, but there is something important on which most of them agree: people respond to positive incentives—money, material goods, power, even sexual attractions—and try to avoid negative incentives—losing large sums of money, freedom through imprisonment, etc. I have argued for decades that those incentive systems, […]

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Top of Mind: Anti-Semitic Protesters

Author’s Note: This excerpt is from my weekly “Top of Mind” email, sent to subscribers every Thursday. For more content like this and to receive the full newsletter each week, sign up on Minding the Campus’s homepage. Simply go to the right side of the page, look for “SIGN UP FOR OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER, ‘TOP OF MIND,’” and […]

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Why Are We Surprised That Mobs of Hamas Supporters Disrupt Our Lives and Spread Hate?

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published by Epoch Times on March 12, 2024 and is crossposted here with permission. As mobs rampage through American and Canadian streets celebrating and championing Hamas and its genocidal anti-Semitism, disrupting university campuses and blocking access to Jewish-owned stores, restaurants, and houses of worship, most citizens and political figures look on […]

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How Civics Can Counter Antisemitism on Campus

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published by RealClearWire on January 22, 2024 and is crossposted here with permission. The shocking scenes of college students, faculty, and staff defending Hamas’s October 7th massacre of Israeli civilians as a “legitimate act of resistance” have rightly been called antisemitism. Our father’s antisemitism was the centuries-old hatred of Jews just because […]

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The Irrelevance of Proportionality

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published by Quadrant on November 20, 2023 and is crossposted here with permission. “Everywhere we see true culture vanishing, and what is replacing it is barbaric”  — Romano. Guardini, 1924 Voted into power by the Palestinian people of Gaza during 2006, and with extensive support in the West Bank (Samaria and […]

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Kindness Repaid with Horror: Dylann Roof, Hamas, and Our Universities

The moral bankruptcy of the presidents of Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) were finally on full display during their Congressional testimony on Tuesday, Dec 5th. The three Presidents are hardly alone: leadership at many other universities has proved equally offensive, if not worse. When asked whether a […]

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Revisiting Dresden—Frederick Taylor’s Eye-Opening Account and Its Contemporary Implications

There is a longstanding myth from the Second World War that the Allies killed hundreds of thousands of civilians by the sudden and shameless aerial bombing of Dresden, a beautiful city remarkable for its history and culture. That the bombing was a shameful war crime against innocent civilian German non-combatants was told by Kurt Vonnegut […]

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Edward Said’s Long Reach from Harvard to Hamas

I once sat on a faculty hiring committee for an international studies position that rejected a candidate because she failed to apply the theories of Edward Said to her work.  Said, a former professor at Columbia University, is most renowned for his theory of “Orientalism,” which posits that every interaction between the West and the […]

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Elite Capture in Israel – An Anthropological Perspective

My favorite explanation of Hamas’ and its Iranian sponsors’ latest war against Israel is the erudite Israeli expert on the Arab and Islamic world, Professor Mordechai Kedar, an Israeli Jew who teaches at what Westerners would call Israel’s only conservative university, Bar Ilan. It is conservative because it supports Jewish tradition. Almost all of the […]

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Brooklyn College Stifles Pro-Israel Voices

A few weeks ago, the David Horowitz Freedom Center caused a stir at Brooklyn College by placing posters on campus labeling two of the college’s professors “terrorist supporters.” The college’s president, Michelle Anderson, issued a statement condemning the posters as “targeted intimidation” designed to “defame and silence specific individuals,” claiming those targeted were “at risk […]

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