The “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) ideology that has captured professors and administrators at most American universities has generated considerable discussion. But relatively untouched is the embrace of DEI by college and university librarians—and its implications. DEI ideologues’ quiet infiltration of university libraries distorts the literature that faculty and students read. This subtle and slow-acting […]
Read MoreAuthor’s Note: This excerpt is from my weekly “Top of Mind” email, sent to subscribers every Thursday. For more content like this and to receive the full newsletter each week, sign up on Minding the Campus’s homepage. Simply go to the right side of the page, look for “SIGN UP FOR OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER, ‘TOP OF MIND,’” and […]
Read MoreThe flurry of activity out of the Trump Administration is getting most of the news commentary these days, but much of higher education is still largely under partial control by state government authorities. Some attention has been on big states like Florida and Texas that have created new research centers not controlled by the woke-academic […]
Read MoreEditor’s Note: This article was originally published by the College Fix on January 21, 2025. With edits to match Minding the Campus’s style guidelines, it is crossposted here with permission. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology still requires a diversity, equity and inclusion essay for some students despite banning DEI faculty statements last spring. The requirement by MIT’s Sloan School […]
Read MoreEditor’s Note: This article was originally published by PJ Media on December 29, 2024. With edits to match Minding the Campus’s style guidelines, it is crossposted here with permission. The foundational idea of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is the Marxist theory that all humanity is divided between oppressors and victims. This class conflict can be […]
Read More“Like a mutating virus, racism shape-shifts in order to stay alive; when its explicit expression becomes taboo, it hides in coded language.” — Kathy Waldman In 2024, several states, including Idaho, Utah, Iowa, North Dakota, and Arizona, passed laws prohibiting public universities from using “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) statements as part of the hiring process. […]
Read MoreMany opposed to the woke orthodoxy have long waited for a systemwide course-correcting. As early as 2022, red states began to legislate against ideological captures of higher education institutions by prohibiting the mandates of “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) in areas like faculty hiring and classroom instruction. Anticipated changes at the federal level are solidifying […]
Read More2024 was a devasting year for anthropology and archaeology. The new regulations in the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) and the newly passed additions to California’s repatriation laws (CalNAGPRA) resulted in the shuttering of university museum exhibits, moratoria on the use of previously collected data from any Native American sites, and calls […]
Read MoreMinding the Campus and the National Association of Scholars have conducted extensive research on “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) in higher education, culminating in the publication of numerous columns on the subject. These have included “SUNY Has Adopted a Program to Hire Minority Professors,” “‘Diversity Is Important?’ That Doesn’t Cut it at University of Oregon,” […]
Read MoreThe First Amendment’s free speech protections and “academic freedom” at colleges and universities are pillars of American democracy. But knowledgeable observers long have recognized that subversives, including members of the Communist Party of the USA (CPUSA), use these freedoms to foment revolutionary change in the United States, including the hoped-for creation of a new Marxist […]
Read MoreEditor’s Note: This article was originally published by PJ Media on November 22, 2024. With edits to match Minding the Campus’s style guidelines, it is crossposted here with permission. The Enlightenment-inspired higher education that I encountered during my 1958-72 studies at Antioch College and the University of Chicago, and at McGill University for much of the time when […]
Read MoreThe language and tone of the recent U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation report, “D.E.I. Division. Extremism. Ideology. How the Biden-Harris NSF Politicized Science,” is very partisan, which makes the report less persuasive than it otherwise might be. Still, the report identifies and criticizes a growing failure of objectivity by the National Science […]
Read MoreAmerican universities stand at a historic crossroads. After decades of strong progressive policies, progressivism has become the status quo. Universities have drifted so far to the left that they have lost all connection to their roots. When it’s easier to find a dissident in Iran than a Republican at Harvard University, it’s a clear sign […]
Read MoreEditor’s Note: The following is the introduction to the author’s comprehensive compilation, featuring excerpts from 170 sources, including news articles, op-eds, books, speeches, letters, conference summaries, panel discussions, policy statements, and legislation. These documents collectively explore race-based preferences in student admissions and faculty hiring, as well as the broader racialization and politicization of universities and […]
Read MoreIn many dimensions, the United States military is just as committed to “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) as any Ivy League university. Cully Stimson, writing in the Daily Signal, provides an interesting discussion of the Students for Fair Admissions’s (SFFA) case against the United States Naval Academy (USNA). SFFA, the plaintive in last year’s Supreme […]
Read MoreEditor’s Note: This article was originally published by City Journal on November 19, 2024. With edits to match Minding the Campus’s style guidelines, it is crossposted here with permission. The Supreme Court in Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard (SFFA) banned the use of race in admissions in higher education. In the State University of New York system, however, race-conscious methods […]
Read MoreEditor’s Note: This article was originally published by the Law & Liberty on November 13, 2024. With edits to match Minding the Campus’s style guidelines, it is crossposted here with permission. Disparity studies comparing various demographic groups based on different outcomes in education, employment, health, housing, and income have been a staple of public policy analysis for decades. […]
Read MoreUniversity of Nevada, Reno (UNR) is discriminating against prospective and current students because it is on a mission to raise its percentage of Hispanic students high enough to qualify for millions in federal aid. Why? The federal government leads colleges and universities into achieving racial and ethnic quotas by dangling the money in front of […]
Read MoreThe damage that “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) policies are doing to American colleges and universities is increasingly well-known, thanks largely to efforts of the National Association of Scholars and Minding the Campus, but the harm done to U.S. intelligence agencies has not been assessed—until now. My study of the operational effects of DEI policies […]
Read MoreIn today’s academic hiring process, “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) statements are a common requirement for faculty hiring across the United States. As seen in a rubric obtained by Minding the Campus through a public records request, the University of Oregon evaluates DEI statements by awarding points to applicants based on their demonstrated “knowledge” of […]
Read More“The reason that university politics is so vicious is because stakes are so small,” former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger once restated Sayre’s law in this famous quip on competition in academia. That was the 1970s when scholarly debates about communism and Marxism had little influence on government policies at the height of the Cold […]
Read MoreThe release of data on incoming freshmen this fall was watched keenly in light of last year’s Students for Fair Admission v. Harvard decision that effectively outlawed race-based affirmative action policies in college admissions. As the data have been released, the picture is mixed. Some schools have seen the expected results: a larger proportion of […]
Read MoreI graduated from a small state teacher’s college in 1963, majoring in physical sciences and math. While I was not privy to overall grade distributions there, I know that Cs, Ds, and failure were not uncommon. This was simply a fact of life and was understood by all. I later became interested in spatial science, […]
Read MoreIn the summer of 2023, the University System of Georgia (USG), led by Chancellor Sonny Perdue, announced a new directive: all institutions must remove “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) statements from hiring documents. During an August meeting at Kennesaw State University’s (KSU) Coles College of Business, Dean Robin Cheramie relayed this change, sparking a moment […]
Read MoreMREs (Meals Ready-to-Eat), BDUs (Battle Dress Uniforms), and TDYs (Temporary Duty): Three-letter acronyms (TLAs) describe routine aspects of military life. These catchy labels can also reference broad epistemological contexts. They are quick and convenient, allowing users to purport to understand more than they actually do. Unfortunately, they are often misunderstood and obscure more than they […]
Read MoreEditor’s Note: This article was originally published by the National Association of Scholars on September 6, 2024, and is cross-posted here with permission. The original article includes audio acquired by the National Association of Scholars that describes allegations of coverup. Allegations of a “coverup” of widespread “discriminatory hiring” erupted at the University of Washington in June, according to audio acquired by […]
Read MoreLast week, the shopping period for my classes at Sarah Lawrence College (SLC) was disrupted on Zoom by a “Divestment Coalition” of campus groups, including the Sarah Lawrence Socialist Coalition and the Sarah Lawrence Review. The coalition announced a “boycott” of all my courses for the 2024-25 academic year, labeled me a “staunch advocate of Israel’s right to […]
Read MoreThe National Association of Scholars (NAS) joined the Heritage Foundation for a panel discussion, “Unveiling DEI: Examining Its True Impact on Higher Education,” on August 20 in Washington, D.C. A recording of the full event, which featured Jay Greene, Heritage senior research fellow; Scott Yenor, professor of political science at Boise State University and Washington […]
Read MoreDepending on which side of the political aisle you choose, “diversity, equity, and inclusion,” better known as DEI, stands for very different things. For the far-left, who have largely coopted and infected their less radical comrades, it is something inherently good and imbued in America’s DNA. In response to increasing demands for dialing down DEI […]
Read MoreIn 2008, the voters of the United States elected their first and, to date, only President of color, Barack Obama. We were told at the time that his elevation to the highest office in the land would herald a new age of race relations in our nation. The country would no longer be defined by […]
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