
Freedom of Association Trumps Academic Freedom

There is a bit of a tempest in a teapot now taking place in academia. Well, scratch there. It is more than a molehill; it is a mountain, given how what occurs on campus—wokeism, Marxism, feminism, black studies, queer studies—all too soon percolates into the general society. What is the present controversy? Academic freedom and […]

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Anti Israel demonstraters

BDS and the Rise of Post-Factual Anthropology

By David M. Rosen Four anthropology professors stood at the entrance of the ballroom at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver last November, where members of the American Anthropological Association would soon vote to boycott Israeli academic institutions, organized by the Palestinian-led Boycott, Divest and Sanction movement (BDS). Each professor held up one of a […]

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Anti Israel demonstraters

Our AntI-Israel American Universities

The foundations of American Jewish life are under assault today in ways that were unimaginable a generation ago. Academia is ground zero of the onslaught. The protest movements on campuses are primarily anti-Jewish movements. For the past decade or so, Jewish communal leaders and activists have focused on just one aspect of this anti-Jewish campaign. […]

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A Setback for BDS

The movement to impose a boycott on Israeli universities, to get colleges to divest from Israeli companies, and to impose other sanctions on Israel—the BDS movement (boycott, divest and sanction)—was launched in 2005 by a collection of Palestinian organizations.  Over the last decade it has gathered significant support in American higher education, but the enthusiasm of […]

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Why Caltech Is in a Class by Itself

Older readers know how the leading American universities, which had risen to world-class status by the 1930s and 1940s, were upended by the traumatic campus events of the late 1960s and their aftermath. Riots and boycotts by student radicals, the decline in core curriculum requirements, the loss of nerve by university presidents and administrators, galloping […]

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