Author: Liza Libes

Liza Libes found­ed her lit­er­ary project, Pens and Poi­son, in New York City. Her writ­ing has most recently appeared in Kveller, The American Spectator, and Paper Brigade Daily. Liza is also an entre­pre­neur and a clas­si­cal music enthu­si­ast. Her lat­est poet­ry col­lec­tion, Illic­it King­dom, is avail­able on Amazon.

Why We Should Free Literary Study from Marxist Proponents

I scanned the first message I received in my Columbia University MA English group chat. Bookmarking my copy of Ayn Rand’s We the Living, a novel about the ills of post-Revolutionary Russia, I recoiled. Reviewing the text, sent by a researcher of “imperial conspiracy” in a “postcolonial context,” I felt my vision blurring. This couldn’t […]

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