Author: Kevin Jon Williams

Kevin Jon Williams, M.D., is a tenured Professor of Cardiovascular Sciences and Professor of Medicine—and a thoroughly unenthusiastic alumnus of a high-profile Ivy-League university. The views expressed here are his own.

Republicans Worked To End Slavery Before—And After—June 19th

Juneteenth has become a national holiday during which we remember and celebrate the end of slavery. The date comes from the tardy dissemination in Texas of the Emancipation Proclamation, President Lincoln’s momentous document by which he freed the slaves in the areas in rebellion. But June 19th is the wrong date to celebrate. The Emancipation […]

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Has Anyone Noticed How Cheap it Was to Bribe the Biden Crime Family and Our Universities?

They sold America, the greatest nation on Earth, for next to nothing because that’s what they believe it’s worth. The Ukrainian energy company Burisma paid Mr. Hunter Biden up to a million dollars a year! Wow! It seems like a lot of money. But what were the Bidens selling? Not Hunter’s expertise in, say, energy, […]

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Kindness Repaid with Horror: Dylann Roof, Hamas, and Our Universities

The moral bankruptcy of the presidents of Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) were finally on full display during their Congressional testimony on Tuesday, Dec 5th. The three Presidents are hardly alone: leadership at many other universities has proved equally offensive, if not worse. When asked whether a […]

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