Many luminaries have urged us to believe whatever a woman says about her experience in sexual encounters. This view is widely held by feminists, the #metoo advocates, the Obama Department of Education, and many university administrators and bureaucrats, especially the university “equity, inclusion, and diversity” officers.
Should we believe whatever a woman says? Perhaps we should start with a complementary question: Should we believe whatever a man says? Or, more specifically, should we believe whatever a man says about his sexual experiences? Both men and women belong to the same species, homo sapiens sapiens. This is Latin for “wise man.” But do we think that the “wise man” should always be believed?
Related: Five Myths and Outright Lies about Campus Sexual Assault
It is commonplace for TV detectives and doctors to say that “everyone lies.” The New York Times bestseller, and Economist Book of the Year for 2017, entitled Everyone Lies, argues that “Everybody lies, to friends, lovers, doctors, pollsters and to themselves.”
I think that most people would agree that men’s stories of sexual conquest have to be taken with a grain of salt. In fact, the more someone speaks about his conquests, the less confidence we should have in their reality. I have over the years heard stories about sexual conquests and did not believe them.
It is not a great leap to be skeptical of anything a salesman tells you. After all, salesmen are all about selling. Sometimes their income depends upon how much they sell. Even keeping their job depends upon how much they sell. So, the motivation to sell is very strong, and as is the temptation to exaggerate or massage the truth about the product.
Consider investment advisors, who are also really salesmen. They claim to be working for the investor, but in fact, are working for themselves. The worst are mutual fund salesmen, who take an extortionate cut of your money, whether or not your investments are successful. Stock salesmen commonly charge a percentage of your capital, whether or not their advice is any good and whether or not your earnings beat the market. The investment industry has vigorously opposed laws that require advisors to take fiduciary responsibility for their clients. The entire industry is a racket based on clients’ fears about managing their own money.
Related: FIRE Survey: Students Want Due Process for Accused
Children often lie to their parents, about their school experiences, about studying, about drinking, about dope, and about sexual experiences. My son certainly told me whoppers, such as the empty gas tank of my car was not a result of his stealing the keys and driving around all night, but draining the tank so that he could fuel a burn off of some brush in the woods.
In pursuit of their individual interests would women, as do men, try to manipulate and influence their environment and other people to satisfy their needs? Do women in all and every circumstance tell the truth? In fact, everyone knows that both male and female individuals will sometimes lie to protect their egos, to gain access to resources, to improve their status and prestige, to protect their families, to advance their careers, and to support the social causes that they think important.
Do female saleswomen, lawyers, politicians sometimes lie? Would that shock you? Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton claimed that all of those voters supporting her opponent were sexists, racists, homophobes, and Islamophobes, “a basket of deplorables.” Even she had to climb down from that howler, saying that only half of her opponent’s supporters fell into those categories. A less inclusive lie.
Now, the injunction to believe women is made specifically in regard to accusations of sexual assault. The argument is that, as there are proven cases of sexual harassment, assault, and rape, and as these are crimes that no one should suffer, if a woman claims that she has suffered from one of these, we should not make her suffer more by doubting her. Thus in most universities, including my beloved McGill University, a female making an accusation is officially labeled a “survivor.”
Today, a female claiming that she was sexually assaulted is deemed, on the basis of the claim alone, to be telling the truth. The reasoning is, why would a woman lie about a nasty, embarrassing, shame-inducing experience. She has nothing to gain and everything to lose. So, she must be telling the truth.
This is a remarkable new standard of “justice.” The basic human right of equality before the law is rejected. Men and women are supposed to be treated equally, not differently treated with women believed and men not believed. The presumption of innocence is rejected; on the contrary, with female accusations against males, the male is presumed guilty. Due process is rejected, with no opportunity for defense or cross-examination. The need for corroborating evidence is rejected; a woman’s accusation is accepted as proof of a man’s guilt. All of the common-law jurisprudence is thrown out the window.
It is difficult to sustain the argument that women would never lie about sexual assault given the many cases in which women have been judged to make false allegations.
Case one: Three Duke University lacrosse players who had hired a stripper for a party were accused by the stripper of rape. In spite of vigorous and illegal prosecution, the court concluded that there was no evidence to support the claim of rape. The State Prosecutor who prosecuted this case withheld exculpatory evidence and was eventually disbarred and jailed.
Case two: A University of Virginia student claimed to have been gang-raped at a fraternity party. She sold her story to Rolling Stone Magazine. An investigation by Columbia School of Journalism concluded that journalistic standards had been violated, as the word of the claimant had been accepted as truth, without even speaking to the accused or the alleged witnesses. There was no supporting evidence, the accuser’s story changed over time, and no witnesses were ever produced. Rolling Stone was sued by the fraternity, which was named in the article, and settled by giving the fraternity $1.65 million. A female University administrator, named in the story, was awarded three million dollars by a Federal Jury for false and defamatory statements.
Prevarication for Credit
Case three: “Mattress Girl,” a Columbia University student who claimed that she had been raped by a friend, spent the rest of her time at Columbia carrying a mattress to represent the wrong she had suffered. Both the University and the police investigations concluded that the accused student had not raped the accuser. The email evidence showed that, after a casual, consensual sexual relationship, the accuser wanted to take the relationship to the next level, but the accused did not. Even though the accused was exonerated, the accuser was allowed by the University to carry the mattress around, and even accepted that carrying it around was her senior project, for which she received credit! Then the University allowed her to carry to the mattress to her graduation ceremony. The exonerated accused student sued the University, and eventually, the University settled for an undisclosed amount. The accuser is now a professional feminist performance artist. NOWToronto refers to her as a “rape survivor.” The National Organization of Women gave mattress girl the 2016 “Woman of Courage” award.
Case four: An award-winning novelist, a Professor at the University of British Columbia, was accused of rape by an older woman with whom he had a consensual affair four years earlier. The University appointed a retired female Provincial Supreme Court judge to investigate. She could not find evidence that any of the claimed events happened, and awarded the accused $167,000. The University fired him anyway.
Case five: A woman accused an Army Colonel of having raped her thirty years before when they were cadets at West Point. The woman said that she had been inspired to speak about her experience after seeing high profile cases of rape in the military. The accused denied that this had happened. With these allegations receiving publicity the Coronel was refused a promotion. He sued for defamation and won. The jury directed the accuser to pay to the accused $3.4 million in compensatory damages for injury to the accused’s reputation and lost wages, and $5 million in punitive damages, as deterrence against future false claims.
Case six: A female student at Sacred Heart University took a fancy at a football team party to two football players, and had consensual sex with them in a bathroom. Later, she claimed that the football players had forced themselves on her, in spite of her resistance, and raped her. Eventually, however, according to the arrest warrant affidavit, “She admitted that she made up the allegation of sexual assault against (the football players) because it was the first thing that came to mind and she didn’t want to lose (another male student) as a friend and potential boyfriend. She stated that she believed when (the other male student) heard the allegation it would make him angry and sympathetic to her.” In a Superior Court case, she pled guilty to two counts of false reporting and one count of interfering with police. She was sentenced to three years in jail, suspending after one year, followed by probation.
In none of these, and many other cases, was any concern shown for the accused. They were already guilty of being male, and it was assumed that they were likely to have engaged in a brutal violation of a helpless female. The idea that a person accused of rape might be innocent is dismissed in universities and the social media, and in feminist ideology. Only in courts is there a semblance of due process, the assumption of innocence, and a demand for evidence.
Why should there be concern for the accused? There are two reasons. First, truth should count for something. “Everyone has their own truth” is just not good enough for resolving conflicts. Second, the lives of the accused are brutally disrupted, and it is doubtful that their reputations ever recover.
Here is the testimony in court by the innocent accused in Case six:
Accused number one said, “I went from being a college student to sitting at home being expelled, with no way to clear my name. I just hope she knows what she has done to me. My life will never be the same. I did nothing wrong, but everything has been altered because of this.”
Accused number two said, “She accused me of what I believe to be a horrendous, horrific crime out of her own selfish concerns. I lost my scholarship, my dream of continuing to play football, and now I am in debt $30,000, and I’m simply trying to get ahead as best as I can.”
Similar statements have been made by the innocent accused in Case one, the Duke lacrosse players, and by many other innocent accused.
Some feminists take the view that men have oppressed, exploited, and brutalized women for tens of thousands of years, and so whatever men suffer now is well deserved. Feminists also advance the false view that we live in a culture that encourages rape and the brutalization of women. Some feminists now argue that regret about a consensual sexual encounter shows that it was in fact rape.
In fact, we do not live in a “rape culture”; in our society rape is viewed as a heinous crime, and the penalties for it are severe. Many men, I would say most men, share the impulse to protect women, to protect their mothers, sisters, girlfriends or wives, and daughters, and all other vulnerable women against violence, including rape. That is why it is rare for men to come to the support of those accused of rape, while most females tend to unite in support of anyone who cries “rape.”
Like most men, I view rape as a heinous crime and believe that each individual, male or female, should not be forced to engage in sex against their will. But I reject the illiberal reducing of people to gender categories and judging them on that basis. True justice requires that individuals be treated according to their individual just desserts. Accusations of malfeasance and brutality must be examined carefully, but with the utmost reserve, dispassionately. Any accuser might be self-deceiving, callous, ruthless, and dishonest. It is the duty of investigators not to side with some category of people but to seek the truth in every single individual case.
Anyone who says “believe whatever a woman says” or #BelieveSurvivors is either a fool or a feminist fanatic.
Human beings evidence a clear propensity towards self-delusion. Our multi-tiered bio-chemical memories are highly susceptible to both internal and external manipulation, allowing false memories to be implanted by ourselves or others.
This is pure speculation on my part, but based on my own observations, women are drastically more susceptible to this manipulation than men. In certain circles it’s simply understood that a woman’s emotional state determines her perception of reality, to include perception of past events. This explains the plethora of stories of women; after speaking with certain ideological adherents; suddenly realizing that they were victimized months, years, and even decades after the fact. Or how seeing an ex in a new relationship causes a woman to suddenly realize how abusive he had been. Or how a woman realizes that she had clearly been too intoxicated to consent, but only after the rumors of her sexual escapades spread.
Are the women in these scenarios intentionally lying? In some cases they most certainly are, but in others I believe women have been convinced of a false reality, believing those false memories without reservation. And this is why I shun the concepts of “believe women” and “women wouldn’t lie about that”.
Don’t necessarily believe here, but don’t necessarily disbelieve her either. Conduct an investigation (if that is your role) and be supportive (if you are a friend or family member).
My son had an on again off again, consensual sexual relationship with a fellow student. She invited him to spend the night with her during summer break in a location hundreds of miles from campus. They engaged in foreplay but no sexual intercourse (fornication). Upon returning to campus in the fall he got a new girlfriend and the jilted girlfriend was diagnosed with a STI (medically proven unrelated to my son). The jilted girlfriend, after talking to a feminist professor, discovered she had been “sexually abused” the previous summer. The school accepted her accusation and sanctioned my son. Her obvious motivation for revenge was totally ignored as irrelevant. Welcome to the new world (feminist)order.
No. And here is proof of why we shouldn’t!
This is why due process and the rule of law MUST be followed! Sexual assault is a horrific crime but so are false accusations as they complete ruin a man’s life as well.
Here are some of the lies women have told and many men’s lives have been destroyed by lies like these.
This is a TINY SAMPLE from a 180+ page document I have compiled with untold hundreds of other examples, and I have the links to all the articles to prove they are all true.
Heartbroken mum of teen who killed himself after withdrawn rape allegation found hanged at family home
The family of grief-stricken Karin Cheshire, 55, said she ‘could not see a future’ without son Jay Cheshire, 17, who took his own life AFTER BEING FALSELY ACCUSED OF RAPE
Always Believe Women? Boy’s Life Destroyed by Girls’ False Allegations. The female accusers admitted they’d lied simply because they didn’t like the boy.
Woman lied about rape because date didn’t drive her home
Drunk seductress, 36, who forced herself on a 14-year-old boy then falsely accused him of rape when he reported her is jailed for more than four years
Woman Claims Cop Raped Her. Then Body Cam Footage Is Released. A complete lie!
Mother loses custody after filing 10 false abuse report against father
Woman said her ex-fiance hit her, causing a black eye and other injuries. But now his attorney says this home surveillance video tells a different story as it shows the woman shouting, screaming and striking herself many times
Two Students Hooked Up. It Was Clearly Consensual. He Still Spent $12,000 Defending Himself. A brief romantic encounter at UC-Davis triggered a Title IX investigation after the female student changed her mind about it weeks later.
Declared Innocent By Court Once Again, Rohtak Boys Ask Media To Declare Them Innocent. The media should now come forward and ‘declare’ the innocent Rohtak boys not guilty.
The full bombshell texts that cleared BT engineer sent by jilted ex who wrongly accused him of rape, cleared him
Connor Fitzgerald, 19, lost his job when he was accused of raping an ex – but she bragged how she wanted to ‘ruin his life’
Woman accused 6 men of raping her is a false accusation. She also collected $2,000 from a special program for “rape victims”. That is nothing but a false rape encouragement and benefit program.
‘I’m free from this living hell’: Haunting last words of man who took his own life after fake rape claim… as police finally investigate accuser
Student Files Fake Gang Rape Case AFTER MISSING UNIVERSITY EXAM. The woman was let off after a stern warning from the police.
Weston man cleared of rapes ‘relieved’ 11-month nightmare at an end
Woman who accused former Awabakal Local Aboriginal Land Council deputy chairman Richard John Green of rape makes full retraction
Middlebury College Student Describes Hell of False Rape Allegation
“students seemed to be jumping to the conclusion that I was guilty of something”
Mum gave kids sedatives in a bid to frame dad for ‘drugging and sexually abusing’ them
Children admit making up sex claims against Auckland teacher to get him fired
Woman Who Falsely Accused Men Of Abuse Before Robbing Homes Is Arrested Again
Woman who lied about being abducted, raped by black men pleads guilty to faking evidence
Police arrest woman for false sexual assault claim
Niagara Regional Police have charged a St. Catharines woman with public mischief after surmising she “misled police” about being sexually assaulted in Niagara Falls three weeks ago.
‘Evil’ mother tortured children into telling police their father was leader of Satanic sex cult
Judge rules false rape suspect will stand trial
The woman accused of falsely blaming two state troopers of rape will stand trial on charges of filing false reports and unsworn falsification, a magistrate ordered Friday.
Mother’s False Accusations Lead to Misuse of Amber Alert
Lawyer apologizes for falsely accusing trooper of rape
Woman who falsely accused DPS trooper of rape won’t face additional charges
Mohali woman filed over 30 complaints of rape, wrongful restraint in 4 years
Two girls arrested for filing fake rape complaint to extort Rs 2 lakh from youth
Man cleared of raping ‘chronic liar’ demands police apology
Father-of-two, 53, spent ‘torturous’ EIGHT MONTHS in jail over false rape claims after police withheld vital phone messages
Woman arrested for trying to frame man in false rape case in Uttar Pradesh
Another rape trial disgrace: Case collapses after police failed to investigate 30,000 Facebook messages linked to the ‘victim’
Tube worker who called police to falsely claim she was raped outside east London nightclub at 5am
Has any research been done as to whether one sex lies more than the other? I have to wonder if women don’t, statistically, lie more often than men. Of course, even to ask the question is to provoke instant screaming in many environments.
The evidence of a rape culture is myriad, but nothing works better than a survey tool designed to prove the conclusion.
Schools across the United States conduct sexual assault surveys with ambiguous questions and broad definitions of assault. The results are both high rates of rape, with a high majority of women not reporting the incident because they didn’t think it was serious enough.
So even when the “survivor” doesn’t think she’s been raped, that doesn’t stop the sexual assault industrial complex from saying she was. Case in point, Zoe Katz and Matt Boermeester at USC where engaging in horseplay. A bystander thought it was assault – she said it wasn’t – the university prosecuted him anyway.
So women are only believed if they claim sexual assault.
What about the case of an ambiguous change of opinion – at a later time?
Two adult people discuss texting each other on sexual matters.
Time point one the discussion goes on, is cosensual and fully approved and appreciated.
Time point two her opinion is changed by third persons. she claims being manipulated, claims she feels threatened and endangered.
Without a hearing or cross examination of the matterial, the male is accused and charged. Case closes and she still believes and acts as what she has said is true.
I don’t take a female’s word for anything. Welcome to the 21st century that feminists built.
P.S. President Trump, I’m ready to accept your nomination to the federal bench.
I’ll go one step further — just because a woman honestly believes something to be true does not inherently mean that it is.
For example, I once inspected subsidized housing for the local housing authority. One of my clients honestly believed that various governmental entities were stealing her radio reception. FBI, CIA, DIA — it was a different agency every time I went out there and she clearly had some psych issues.
In fairness, she did notice that radio reception was better outside her apartment than in it, but this was because of geography, the hills on all four sides of the building. She didn’t help matters by covering the ceiling and walls of her apartment with aluminum foil, building a fairly effective Faraday Cage in the process — something I attempted to explain to her.
(I didn’t have the heart to tell her who was providing NPR in the first place — she honestly believed that the Federal Government was attempting to prevent her from listening to it….)
When I was a dormitory supervisor, one quite intoxicated young lady passed out in a snowbank outside the building. In the rain. After dark. And when a couple of my off-duty RAs (undergrad floor supervisors) found her there, they somehow got her up three flights of stairs, into her room, and into dry clothing — and then went out for the evening without telling anyone. The intoxicated student wakes up without any memory of how she got back to her room and finds that her underwear is on backwards (or something), and concludes that she’d been raped.
She was right on one thing — someone else had put her underwear on her, but because she couldn’t remember it, she considered it proof positive of sexual assault.
Two women honestly believing something to be true, and even having factual evidence supporting their belief — but being wrong.