Demands by student protesters at Emory University here, include extending student evaluations of faculty to include a tallying up of microaggressions each teacher has made and a stipulation that Emory “shall not protect the privilege of students to vocalize hate speech.”
Power Line blog said:
“Emory’s provost, Claire E. Sterk, and the dean of campus life, Ajay Nair, responded on December 4 with a long and typically bureaucratic letter (not available online—a faculty member shared it with me) that essentially says, ‘We’ll cave where we can.’ And as for the demand that students be censored for thought crime expressed on YikYak, Sterk and Nair write:
‘Through a partnership between Information Technology Services and the University Senate, a task force will be created to examine the feasibility of a geofence covering the zip codes for Emory University, including Oxford College. Dean Nair took no chances, though, writing in the campus paper a few days ago that the student protests are ‘illuminating the path to progress.’
Get ready for a first-class grovel.
At Oberlin, student demands include this language: “Oberlin College and Conservatory is an unethical institution…. Along the same lines stated by UNC Chapel Hill students in their 2015 document, ‘A Collective Response to Anti-Blackness,’ you include Black and other students of color in the institution and mark them with the words ‘equity, inclusion and diversity,’ when in fact this institution functions on the premises of imperialism, white supremacy, capitalism, ableism, and a cissexist heteropatriarchy.” — Oberlin College’s ABUSUA (Black Student Union) Institutional Demands
A spokesperson for Oberlin seemed to punt as well as accede to the overwrought demands in the traditional feckless manner: He said the college is 18 months into a strategic planning process. “And it has been clear from the start that inclusion and diversity will be a primary focus. However, it won’t be complete until March.”
These colleges are in the process of making themselves irrelevant to the 21st Century. Without free expression there can be no free inquiry, and scholarship stagnates. Alumni will reconsider their donations and prospective students with real talent will gravitate to institutions that will actually educate instead of indoctrinate, leaving these hollow shells with the leftovers.