Opponents of Ohio Senate Bill 1 Are Wrong—It Is So Badly Needed

Ohio Senate Bill 1, passed by the Senate, will be a big step forward for higher education.

The bill would protect free speech; forbid discrimination based on race or other group identity; forbid indoctrination by faculty and staff; forbid “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) programs; and institute an undergraduate General Education Requirement in American government or history that includes readings of major primary documents. (The National Association of Scholars (NAS) has endorsed SB 1.)

Not surprisingly, SB 1 is under attack by those who have misgoverned our universities for so long and whose domination is now threatened. This essay addresses those arguments.

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Opponents claim that SB 1 curbs free speech. This is an outrageous charge given that the bill expressly requires institutions to commit “to not requiring, favoring, disfavoring, or prohibiting speech.” Other passages mandate “free inquiry” and “tolerat[ing] differences of opinion.”

One recent essay bases the charge of curbing free speech on the bill’s passage forbidding faculty and staff “to indoctrinate any social, political, or religious point of view.”[1] This objection is strange because SB 1 fosters free speech by protecting differences of opinion. The critics claim that SB 1 bans discussion of controversial topics. The charge is utterly false. The bill requires faculty to “encourage students to reach their own conclusions about all controversial beliefs” and expressly permits discussion so long as intellectual diversity is allowed.

Critics claim that SB 1 falsely assumes that Ohio universities are bastions of woke politics. There’s nothing false about that assumption. Recent disclosures reveal that a faculty search committee went out of its way to select only finalists based on race.

Critics claim that SB 1 creates a “surveillance system.” Actually, the bill merely requires institutions to respond to complaints from students and faculty of any violations of governing rules. That is the case right now. Of course, an institution may respond by saying that the complaint does not allege a substantial violation. All the institution may not do is not respond at all. That does not seem unreasonable.

SB 1 opponents’ criticism about overbearing surveillance is ironic, indeed hypocritical. Hundreds of universities have created highly politicized Bias Response Teams (see Speech First’s Free Speech in the Crosshairs: Bias Reporting on College Campuses) to investigate complaints, often made anonymously. In many cases, students or faculty have suffered harassing investigations merely for making statements that transgress the dominant political ideology on campus. Those criticizing SB 1 haven’t objected to Bias Response Teams; they’re the ones who created them. Of course, the progressives who control our universities may handle complaints with a progressive bias, but at least SB 1 should make the process more open to public scrutiny, which may encourage fairness.

Critics say the statute will “instill fear.” This, too, is ironic, if not hypocritical. For years, students and faculty have reported that they are afraid to speak their minds because of the cancel culture that punished those who dissent from campus orthodoxy. SB 1 will help to relieve this fear. Critics say that droves of students and faculty will flee Ohio, but there has been no big exodus in states that have adopted similar legislation.

SB 1 abolishes DEI offices and diversity statement requirements. DEI has been a classic bait-and-switch scam, and opponents of SB 1 try to continue that scam. They say that DEI ensures everyone is treated fairly and that underrepresented minorities are not overlooked.

That pretense can no longer be taken seriously, especially in Ohio, due partly to investigations by John Sailer, the NAS, and Minding the Campus, which revealed that DEI has been routinely used as a tool for racial and political discrimination. In some cases, hiring committee members or administrators said that diversity was just as important as merit and that any slate of faculty candidates that was not sufficiently diverse would be kicked back with instructions to try again.


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Further, there is no good evidence that DEI actually improves race relations, and there’s considerable evidence that it makes them worse. That’s hardly surprising; America is the least racist major country in the world, but DEI insists that America is systemically racist and dominated by white privilege and white supremacy. This doctrine only increases racial friction.

Critics also call SB 1 an unprecedented government intrusion into the autonomy of higher education. That is true, but the universities have brought it on themselves. SB 1 deals with public institutions that should be accountable to the public. Public universities were granted autonomy on the understanding that they would operate as apolitical, non-discriminatory educational institutions. For several years now, that understanding has been grossly betrayed.

For example, many students now get undergraduate degrees without having taken a course in American history or government, and surveys show that many of them lack basic information necessary for good citizenship. SB 1 requires such a course, and it’s shameful that the legislature had to step in to fix this glaring shortcoming.

A serious analysis of the criticisms of SB 1 shows why that bill is so badly needed.

[1] David W. Blight & Joan E. Cashin, Ohio’s proposed higher education overhaul bill and the integrity of history, https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2025/02/10/ohios-proposed-higher-education-overhaul-bill-and-the-integrity-of-history/.

Image: Ohio General Assembly. (2025, January 11). Ohio General Assembly. Wikipedia; Screenshot of SB 1: Current Version as Passed by the Senate.


  • George Dent & Hal R. Arkes

    George Dent is a member of the NAS Board of Directors and president of the NAS Ohio affiliate. He is the Schott-van den Eynden Professor of Law Emeritus at Case Western Reserve University School of Law. & Hal Arkes is a professor emeritus of psychology at Ohio State University, where he has contributed extensively to research in judgment and decision-making, especially in medical and economic contexts. He earned his B.A. from Carleton College and his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. Arkes has held leadership roles at the National Science Foundation and served as president of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making. With over 100 published papers, he has received numerous teaching and research awards, and has been an editorial board member for major journals in his field. Additionally, Arkes has lectured in economics and law at OSU and is known for his extensive culinary service in the U.S. Army.

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4 thoughts on “Opponents of Ohio Senate Bill 1 Are Wrong—It Is So Badly Needed

  1. Correction — it was/is a *maximum* of one CongressCritter per 30,000 in population, with the Permanent Apportionment Act of 1929 setting the House at 435 members.

  2. Some things in this bill would be useful. But I am afraid it would be difficult to avoid the evils it purports to work against.

    It wants to “forbid indoctrination by faculty and staff.” But then it seems to me to introduce a very strong dose of doctrination. “America is the least racist major country in the world, but DEI insists that America is systemically racist and dominated by white privilege and white supremacy.” That sounds like doctrine! It would certainly get a good pushback in any decent class. America is not systematically racist? Since when? Was systematic racism not written into the original Constitution? Or was it instead removed post-Civil War? Or perhaps in the civil rights revolution of the mid-twentieth century? I might accept the last date. But then I have to wonder what constitutes “systematic racism.” Is it just statutory? I happen to live in a place with a fair amount of low-level racist nastiness. Against Asians, Jews, sometimes blacks. How do those people feel about their experience? It may not seem so benign to them. I’ve known people who have moved away, or who don’t post their business names. That doesn’t sound so nice. So, in class, should people talk about current systemic racism? Or should they talk about their non-systemic racism experience? Some legislatures would – are – prohibiting “divisive” content in classes. How should people look at this?

    When the legislature “institute[s] an undergraduate General Education Requirement in American government or history that includes readings of major primary documents” – I wonder what will be included. The Founding Fathers, I presume. The slave apologist secessionists? I vote for Lincoln. But MLK? Malcolm X? The Critical Theory school, for what they are worth. But then it sounds to me like we’re in “divisive” territory of “indoctrination.”

    Should we just let everything hang down? But then are we discussing the merits of the KKK, and lynch law? How about the merits of cop-killing. I don’t want to go anywhere near Holocaust denial.

    It seems to me that we still have a problem.

    1. “Was systematic racism not written into the original Constitution? “


      The purpose of the infamous 3/5 clause was the exact opposite of what it appears to be and it had to do with the number of seats in Congress (and electoral votes) the slave states would get.

      They wanted to count the slaves as whole persons and the North didn’t want to count them as all — and remember that this was when you got another CongressCritter for every 10,000 people you could count in your state. That’s what this was all about.

      Remember too that a lot of people couldn’t vote. Women couldn’t, nor could those who didn’t own real estate above a certain value.

      And let’s discuss the merits of Lynch’s Law and the related Committees for Public Safety — AND how the Constitution (written in 1787) was intended to address the excesses of a decade earlier.

      Respectfully Jonathan, I don’t think you know US history as well as you think you do…

      1. Oddly, most people, certainly most descendents of slaves, would find something profoundly systemically racist about the original Founding.

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