Editor’s Note: This article has been updated to clarify the roles of Rand Simberg and Mark Steyn in the legal disputes involving Michael Mann. The original text suggested that Steyn himself made the comparison between Mann and Jerry Sandusky. In fact, the comparison originated with Simberg, and Steyn quoted and commented on Simberg’s remarks while explicitly distancing himself from the metaphor. We regret any confusion this may have caused and have revised the article to accurately reflect these details.
Michael Mann has received a modicum of the comeuppance he deserves. A court in Washington, DC, has ordered him to pay the National Review $540,820.21 for court costs and attorney’s fees. This is the final settlement of a nuisance suit brought by Mann against the magazine many years ago.
To those not familiar with the case, it goes back to a time when suspicion abounded that Mann, a professor of climatology at Pennsylvania State University (Penn State), may not have been entirely scrupulous in the way he reported his supposedly scientific findings. This mattered because Mann was the originator, in 1998, of the famous “hockey stick graph,” which purported to show drastic increases in global temperatures beginning in the late twentieth century. The International Panel on Climate Change features the hockey stick graph as its chief visual aid in its 2001 Third Assessment Report. The image became the “icon” of the global warming panic movement.
Doubts about its validity became widespread, but Professor Mann basked in his celebrity.
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Matters took a serious turn in 2009 when someone released a cache of documents from the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia. A straightforward reading of some of the emails in that cache suggested that Mann had manipulated data to support his theory and had also participated in attempts to suppress rival scientific papers. Penn State “investigated” and, in 2012, cleared Mann of any wrongdoing.
A fair number of observers—myself included—questioned the integrity of that investigation and continued to harbor suspicions about the reliability of his findings.
One chooses one’s words carefully on this matter. Dr. Mann is jealous of his reputation and has sued several parties, including the National Review, for implying that he is anything but a diligent researcher devoted to the highest standards of scientific conduct. I wish to be clear that I have no reason to think otherwise. But even diligent researchers sometimes make mistakes.
By way of additional context, predictions of climate catastrophe extrapolated from measurable increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide caused by the Industrial Revolution and modern use of fossil fuels had become a highly contentious issue by 2010. Indeed, it still is, with reputable scientists, as well as economists and political leaders taking strongly polarized positions. The issues are not whether the climate changes, whether the Earth’s atmosphere has warmed, or whether CO2 is a “greenhouse gas,” but whether any of this adds up to a credible threat of catastrophe.
I am among those who see the real catastrophe in the resulting hysteria, the damage it has done to legitimate scientific inquiry, and the reign of political error it has brought. Western governments, including our own, have wasted trillions of dollars fighting a phantom danger. Colleges and universities, which, above all other institutions, should have proceeded cautiously, have recklessly embraced the hysteria. And government incentives have prompted scientific researchers to fit their work into the prevailing agenda.
The persisting doubts about catastrophic global warming are the deep background to what happened in 2011. That was the year when a child sex abuse scandal roiled Penn State, and the university president, Graham Spanier, and longtime football coach, Joe Paterno, were removed on the suspicion that they had participated in a cover-up. These events had no direct bearing on Mann, but the coincidence of two “scandals” involving alleged cover-ups prompted several observers to make sarcastic remarks. Rand Simberg of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, for example, drew a controversial parallel between Sandusky and Mann, accusing Mann of having “molested and tortured data.” Mann filed lawsuits against Simberg and the Competitive Enterprise Institute for the comment. He also sued Mark Steyn and the National Review for quoting and expanding on Simberg’s statement, though Steyn explicitly distanced himself from the metaphor. Last year, a court awarded Mann $1 million in his case against Steyn. I wrote about the case in the American Conservative, where the reader who is interested in the fuller account can find a wealth of additional detail. (I should add that Jerry Sandusky also has defenders who believe he was wrongly accused).
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When the Spaniard, Mann, and Sandusky matters were happening, I was a regular contributor to the Chronicle of Higher Education, where my heterodox views on climate change occasioned a fair amount of consternation among readers. I came near to making the comparison that Steyne did, but I happily avoided any formulation that Mann could twist into an action for libel. Not that he didn’t try—or so the editors at the Chronicle told me. They had heard from Mann’s lawyer but apparently decided that the National Review, Mark Steyne, and a third writer were more promising targets. The judgment against Steyn is a disgrace. The new verdict against Mann rewards National Review for its patient endurance of years of lawfare against it by a malicious actor. (NB: my opinion. I have no objective proof of Dr. Mann’s malignity). National Review reports that its actual legal costs far exceed the $540,000 Mann must now pay. So, in a practical sense, Dr. Mann has been rewarded for his efforts to bully his critics into silence.
But I suspect that history will not judge him kindly, and science will one day, too, wake up from its long global warming nap and ask, “How could we have fallen for this?”
Follow the National Association of Scholars on X.
Michael E. Mann. (2024, December 13). on Wikipedia.
Can you tread water?
Hard to take a single word of this seriously when the “president of the National Association of Scholars” makes clear that he does not know the difference between the University of Pennsylvania, a private Ivy League school in Philadelphia whose faculty Mann joined in 2022, and Penn State University, a public university located three hours away.
This was actually my fault. Not Peter’s. Getting this up quickly, I accidently used the abbreviation Penn, rather than Penn State. It’s been updated.
Mann’s CV can be found at: https://earth.sas.upenn.edu/sites/default/files/2022-09/M.%20Mann%20CV%202022.pdf
According to this CV, Mann had Graduate Faculty Status at UMass Amherst 1997-1999 — when the hockey stick graph appears to have been developed.
It’s not quite clear how he obtained it, and he appears that he may have been paid out of a grant, but according to the Graduate School rules in effect at the time, he would have had to have had “Graduate Faculty Status” to serve on the committees he did between 1997-99. That was an absolute.
I believe that he also would have had to have it to taught GEO 591 (Data Analysis & Climate Change) at UMass in 1998. He wouldn’t have to be tenure track, but he would have to have Grad Faculty status to teach this grad level course. (500 is mixed grad/undergrad, applicable to either degree depending which the student is.)
He has an interesting mosaic of dual appointments that I don’t understand, and it’s entirely possible that they were legitimate — all I can say is that I didn’t know that dual appointments were possible outside of either the four college or five campus systems. I should also state that I was in the School of Education and that the rules may have been different in the College of Natural Sciences.
But the question I have is what could Penn have legitimately investigated without crossing the lines of institutional protocol? While the first named author, Mann wrote his papers with Raymond S. Bradley (Professor at UMass) and Malcolm K. Hughes (Professor at Arizona), with Mann also having faculty status at UMass.
The UM Graduate Dean at the time was retired military and I suspect he would have been upset at Penn investigating things on his campus, and I suspect that the Natural Science Dean would have been upset as well, along with the folks in Arizona and possibly Virginia (where Mann also had status).
So how much could Penn legitimately investigate? What’s messy about dual appointments is who is the person actually working for? Whose academic and personnel policies apply to him? I can see the investigation being limited to the Penn campus and what Mann may have done while physically on the Penn campus and ignoring everything else — I probably would have done that myself.
This is why dual reporting lines are messy, even if the university wants to investigate something, which is why the granting agencies need to be investigating things like this.
But, One More UMass Person….
Mark Steyn did not compare Mann to Sandusky.
Steyn quoted Rand Simberg’s formulation and then immediately distanced himself from Simberg’s metaphor:
“Not sure I’d have extended that metaphor all the way into the locker-room showers with quite the zeal Mr Simberg does…”
I have thought that National Review, Michael Mann, Mark Steyn, and the National Association all acquitted themselves badly in this.
I’d like to know why Planet UMass isn’t being held responsible for any of this.
Mann was a postdoc of Raymond Bradley who was (and still is) a professor at UMass Amherst. Mann, the child of a UM professor, obtained a postdoc at UMass ” after Bradley had a chance encounter with Mann’s parents at a wine-tasting event.*” Mann hadn’t even yet completed his PhD…
And as to some of the other things Mann allegedly did, see: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/energy/climate-scientists-defamation-case-reveals-what-critics-say-plaintiffs
* https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC8501842/