For decades, schools have followed a policy of promoting students regardless of whether they meet established standards, often justified by the belief that students will “catch up” when they “find their passion.”
However, many never do, and for reasons rooted in basic biology. The brain allocates energy to a task only when it expects a reward, meaning that engagement decreases as the gap between a student’s skill level and the demands of coursework grows. Additionally, the brain relies on rewards to learn, but when the rewards for not learning are the same as those for learning, students face a dysfunctional incentive structure.
This system often leads students to disengage entirely when they are promoted beyond their skill level, halting their skill development. As a result, students can reach high school—and even college—without mastering basic skills. This seemingly improbable outcome is perpetuated by two cultural factors: first, no alternative pathways to success are emphasized, and second, students have every reason to expect they will continue to receive passing grades without doing the necessary work, as that pattern has been consistently reinforced throughout their education.
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What can universities do when so many students lack basic skills?
Real education is not possible, so colleges need an alternative raison d’etre. Political activism has perfectly filled this role, and mental health goals have contributed to an additional non-educational purpose for educational institutions.
You may think causality flows in the opposite direction. I thought that, too, when I was a young professor with young children of my own. But I was shocked to observe that professors’ children often struggle academically. That violated the widely accepted belief that socioeconomic disadvantages cause learning difficulties. According to the prevailing culture, “privileged” students are not supposed to have learning problems.
This failure of our explanatory framework has been addressed by “diseasifying” the problem or just ignoring it. But I wanted the truth because my kids’ future was at stake. I wanted to know why so many kids don’t learn. I’d always been told that some kids are deprived of education, but no one told me that many kids reject the education that’s offered to them.
I didn’t find the answer until my kids grew up and I had time to study the brain. I learned that neuroplasticity peaks by age eight, so a kid who doesn’t learn a basic skill by then will have difficulty picking it up. They can learn, but they’re not likely to just pick it up by sitting in a class where they don’t understand what’s going on.
What happens to these students?
Students develop “compensatory skills” when they fail to learn basic skills. This can include being cute, funny, depressed, or aggressive. Students also build the skill of gaming the system. They realize that teachers want to give them “points” to avoid the stain of failing a student. They learn to get “points” in ways that include strategic negotiating and outright cheating. School becomes an empty ritual.
Universities offer remedial courses as if long-standing deficits can be filled in a few months. When the remedial level ends, many students are still not prepared for college-level work, but they’ve been well-prepared for activism and mental health agendas. So, it’s easy to see why it would be hard for universities to let go of these alternative missions.
What can be done?
Social promotion is rooted in the premise that it’s cruel to hold a child back, so the policy can be challenged by showing that it’s crueler to push students into classes beyond their skill level.
Imagine the anxiety of sitting in a classroom where you don’t understand what is going on for years on end. Imagine the panic of a child called on to read after years of covering up their inability to read. Imagine the wasted resources.
We don’t have much data on the true cost of social promotion because it’s hard for researchers to transgress the prevailing consensus. But enterprising researchers could easily find the evidence. Prisons are a good place to start, as many inmates are known to be functionally illiterate. We may say they were “deprived” of education, but they have a lot to say about how they evaded education while physically being there.
It’s cruel to leave a child in a classroom where they don’t understand what’s going on. It’s cruel to train a child to “fake it.” If they reach a point where their “compensatory skills” stop working, they won’t even know why because we don’t know what we don’t know. They will believe that some injustice has been committed.
[RELATED: Grade Inflation Is the New Affirmative Action]
Responsible adults should not let this happen.
Responsible adults should not defer to children who say, “We’ll never need to know this.” Instead, they should design opportunities to build skills at the student’s level and not pass them on until the skill is mastered.
The scientist Edward Teller said you cannot learn something unless you almost know it. Great knowledge comes from many tiny steps because big neural networks must be built by connecting individual neurons. Neurons don’t connect on their own. They connect from being activated by challenges that the person can succeed at with the neural network they have.
Image by Tierney — Adobe Stock — Asset ID#: 299568514
College admissions are up 7%. But college enrollments are down 10% from a decade ago. How can this be? Simple. Just lower the admission standards, which is just another social promotion scam. Faculty at some colleges are already raising the alarm that the students enrolling in their classes can’t grasp the material.
No worries. My college is going full steam ahead with wanting to become a majority colored student campus (as opposed to the grammatically incorrect ‘student of color’ campus. It’s English. Adjectives proceed nouns) within 5 years. Good luck with that. Somehow I don’t think enrollment in STEM—which are the only majors bringing in research dollars—is going to increase.
“College admissions are up 7%. But college enrollments are down 10% from a decade ago. How can this be?”
No, this means that either the yield rate has decreased, the shrink rate has increased, and/or the attrition rate has increased. None of these are DIRECTLY caused by lowered admissions standards.
Personally, I think that the common application has led to students applying to more colleges than they did in the past. The relevant statistic is the freshman attrition rate, the percent of the freshman class that is not physically present on campus the following year, and that is public if you look hard enough for it.
This is an interesting essay, indeed. Although I agree with the premise, as a biological psychologist (PhD from the University of Chicago), I have to point out that all of the information about brains and brain function is patently wrong. Of late, it’s become a popular past time for writers of all sorts to pontificate about brain function to lend credence to their points of view. Unfortunately, both brain function and the biological underpinnings of learning are complex topics the details of which are inconsistent with the colloquial stereotypes and pop psychology memes in terms of which people try to understand them. Unfortunately, promulgating these misunderstandings actively drives us further away from a clear understanding of the human condition.
Good critique. Are there any claims that the essay’s author gets right? I taught in the humanities at a small public college in the American South for 20 years in a community that is 65% black. I watched as admission tests were abandoned and the number of remedial courses in English and Math grew. A new administration realized that while it padded the admission stats, it was cruelty to enroll students who were unprepared for college level work.
The public K-12 system that fed the college had plenty of opportunity for education, and a significant proportion of their graduates went on to professional positions. The resources were obviously there. . . often at great cost, but not every student would. . .or could. . . take advantage of them. While the community was 65% black, the student body was 30% black. Many of the freshmen I saw were fighting on two fronts, one in the classroom and the other at home. Some among the community were actively opposed to dominant culture learning. Hell, some of the instructors were as well.
I think we’re seeing the results of a decades long social engineering program, and the remedy is not the elimination of that system, but a change in the end goal.
When we shift to a culture that views education as the route out of poverty and the duty of the individual, we might see some progress.