Yesterday’s Chronicle of Higher Education summarizes perhaps the main critique of Sarah Erdely’s “don’t-tell-all” article alleging a grotesque gang rape at UVA: the reporter’s decision not to seek contact from any of the people her article had described as gang rapists. That point, too, has now received a vigorous response from Erdely’s defenders. A faux-balanced piece in the New York Times offered various journalism experts excusing or even defending Erdely’s approach; an openly partisan column at Media Matters implied that because other campus rape reporting has been one-sided, Erdely should receive a pass as well.
Rolling Stone has defended Erdely’s decision on grounds that it was part of a deal with the accuser, Jackie: if Rolling Stone tried to contact the accused students, Jackie would no longer talk. In any case, assume that Erdely had functioned as a journalist and not an advocate, had reached out to the people she has portrayed as horrifying criminals, discovered that they actually existed, but then obtained (as might well have occurred) no comment. The piece would have been just as biased—although perhaps that bias would have not been quite so obvious.
The only people who know what happened (if anything did) in the bedroom the night of the party are Jackie and the students she accused. (Erdely herself has stated “I don’t know” when asked what occurred.) And according to the ground rules of the interview with Jackie, Erdely couldn’t contact them. (Leave aside the question of why Rolling Stone apparently wasn’t troubled by its sole source insisting that the reporter not speak to the only people who might be able to challenge her version of events.)
There were two more grievous errors in the Erdely article than not soliciting a comment from her targets. First: nothing in Rolling Stone’s agreement with Jackie precluded Erdely from contacting other people at the party—neutral observers—to try to verify aspects of Jackie’s story. This, in many ways, was Erdely’s greatest journalistic failure, especially since she didn’t have access to a police report or a trial transcript or medical records or any other documentary evidence that might have verified what Jackie told her. Some obvious questions to have presented to these neutral observers: did Drew, the alleged ringleader, attend the party? Did people see Jackie and Drew together at the party? Did people at the party see a bloodied Jackie after the alleged incident? Did they see the alleged attackers after the incident, and if so, were they behaving in any way that might have raised suspicions? Are there any photos of the party, or cell phone videos, or contemporaneous Facebook posts?
Erdely, it seems, wasn’t interested in the answers to any of those questions. Why not? Did she fear that the answers might undercut her source?
Erdely’s biases showed in a second, troubling way. In an interview with the Washington Post, the freelance reporter said that she spent several months searching for a story like Jackie’s. (If, in fact, she accepts the 1-in-4 claim that posits the typical college campus has a higher rate of violent crime than many of the country’s most dangerous neighborhoods, it’s odd indeed that it took Erdely so long to find a story that fit her needs.) Given her general approach to the issue, it’s unsurprising, if disappointing, that Erdely relied solely on fellow “rape culture” advocates in explaining alleged events at UVA.
That said, Erdely’s selection of “experts” from which to quote in her article was noteworthy, in that she appeared to rely on only the most extreme of the “rape culture” advocates. For instance, in recent days, two high-profile figures on this issue—and no friends of campus due process—have given somewhat skeptical remarks about Jackie’s story. Caitlin Flanagan’s biases are undeniable (for instance, she glowingly reviewed William D. Cohan’s attempt to rehabilitate Mike Nifong’s performance in the Duke lacrosse case). But even a Nifong apologist like Flanagan raised some red flags about the UVA case, telling Slate, “In all my time studying fraternity rapes for my own essay, I didn’t come across a single report of anything like this . . . I’m sure it’s happened, but again—as part of a ritualized gang rape . . . Never anything like it.” And Brett Sokolow, who has at best an uneven record on campus sexual assault matters, told the Chronicle that the UVA case was the “most factually egregious allegation I’ve come across in 17 years, and it’s absolutely unrepresentative of what’s typically alleged in campus cases.”
Quoting from Flanagan and Sokolow—despite their general ideological agreement with Erdely’s view of campus life—would have given the Rolling Stone piece a much different flavor. But instead, Erdely went with a much more extreme type of “expert.” The most indefensible choice, as I pointed out previously, was Wendy Murphy, best-known for her pattern of wildly false statements about the lacrosse case. Does Erdely share Murphy’s belief that women never lie about rape? If so, that casts her vouching for Jackie’s credibility in a different light. If not, why did she use Murphy as a neutral, seemingly “objective” source?
Slate spoke to a couple of other people referenced in the Erdely article—who, like Murphy, have extreme views on campus rape. The head of a group called “One in Four” told Slate that his approach to Jackie was as follows: “The first thing as a friend we must say is, ‘I believe you and I am here to listen.” A member of another victims’ rights group, “One Less,” who was quoted by Erdely, added to Slate: “A lot of the reason why we aren’t questioning Jackie urgently about who the names are or anything like that is because our role as advocates and friends is really just to support the survivor.”
Carrying this duo’s arguments to their logical conclusion, they continue to believe that Crystal Mangum was raped in the lacrosse case. Indeed, as long as an accuser says she was raped, even if video evidence shows otherwise, Erdely’s sources would believe the accuser. They’re obviously entitled to their beliefs. But hard questions need to be asked of Erdely as to why she relied on such figures to frame her story—and why she didn’t share their extreme beliefs with Rolling Stone readers.
Erdely, however, is no longer answering questions, hard or otherwise. Instead, Rolling Stone has resorted to issuing press releases—which, as Richard Bradley has astutely noted, no longer defend the accuracy of Erdely’s reporting. Instead, Bradley observed, Rolling Stone is now saying that it was proud to tell Jackie’s story, thus “shifting the discussion away from errors it might have made in its reporting, edition, fact-checking and editorial judgment—away, in other words, from its own responsibility—onto Jackie.”
But one place in which Erdely is still accepted as gospel is the UVA campus. President Teresa Sullivan responded to the article by immediately banning all fraternities for the academic year, and then issued a statement promising to root out the “evil” on campus that the article allegedly exposed. For Erdely, Jackie’s word was good enough. For President Sullivan, it seems, Erdely’s word suffices.
It appears that Rolling Stone is no longer standing by its story. According to the blog “Legal Insurrection”, the magazine sees a number of discrepancies in the story. Check it out at:
Washington Post has a new story: the fraternity has lawyered-up and issued a rebuttal. It says it had no party on the date in question (September 28, 2012). Rolling Stone appears to be backing away from its support for the complainant.
KC: your commentary is exemplary and, in the midst of so much emotional ranting, a great relief. Facts, facts, and facts are what matter. They do exist. They can be found –even if reporters and editors (and college presidents) choose not to do so. Please keep up the good work.
The General Counsel at Wenner, the logical person who would say to the editor of the story, “you can’t run this. It is libelous and very thin.” left the company the week the story broke for a much smaller, less prestigious, media company in the same city (so she didn’t do it for family).
You are quoting people like Flanagan who are saying that the allegations are not typical of what is alleged on college campuses. Yet another woman quoted in the article — who is named — said she was also gang raped, at the same fraternity at UVA, 30 years ago. So the allegations from Jackie are not unprecedented at this fraternity. You should be calling for an investigation rather than trying to accuse Jackie of lying.
Did the other woman report it? Does she have evidence? You realize the people there have any relationship at all to those who are there now? Why is she believable either? Some of you guys seem like you really really want to believe the metanarrative and will make any excuse in the world to do so.
I think that the information in the last paragraph is innaccurate. President Sullivan banned social activities by fraternities and sororities until January 9th which is not anything like banning them for the rest of the academic year.
KC, I mentioned at Instapudit,the article reminded me of the story , “Julia”-Lillain Helman author. It had so many obvious lies (remember,we’re talking about Lilian Helman),but held together for years because people wanted to believe.Now,a bit about rape.I recall my father mentioning an abortion (illegal) performed ona local 16 yo who’d been raped by her summer employer.She was a virgin when knocked out.Got the story about 2 decades post the rape aand never knew the assailant. The point is,the parents wouldn’t press charges because of fear for the daughter’s rep.So, the lack of fairness is there. (I don’t know if fairness is an appropriate term,but it’s the best I can do.)
But,a case like the U VA is imploding like a funeral pyre.My feeling is so many on the Left have substituted chanting for reason,they really don’t have c ritical skills.
I have always tended to read (and retain) lot.Generations ago,when a Hearst gossip columnist ( I think Louella Parsons) printed that Ingrid Bergman was pregnant by a man when married to another,the joke was Hears employees came to work with Swedish dictionaries (Ms Bergman was Swedish), on the grounds she’d own the paper if the story wasn’t true.
My feeling is RS employees better learn Greek.
BY the way,are you still teaching?
I am not sure I understand the larger point KC is trying to make here in attacking the journalism. I understand there may be two sides to this story, but thus far no one has tried to tell the other one. What is the other side? Did Drew have sex with Jackie? Did 6 other guys join in, but is was consensual? or was she never at the party? by not pinning down an alternative theory of what happened, KC and others are free to compare a specific story of what happened against a wide range of possible alternative theories.
I would want to hear the other side before I tried to defend it, and hear if the other side’s story is credible. I note that Charlottesville police say they have not opened a formal investigation, and pundits like KC are giving them help in trying to sweep these allegations under the rug before they are actually invetsigated. If the accused choose to remain silent for the time being — as is their right — people should not be attacking the accuser who may be fully telling the truth.