C-SPAN Book TV will broadcast three panels from the Manhattan Institute Center for the American University’s Closing of the American Mind Conference on Saturday and Sunday. Take a look at the schedule for details. Robert George, Roger Kimball, Jim Piereson, Heather MacDonald, and other luminaries are not to be missed.
Imagine if teachers accepted from students what was merely “fashionable” and not excellence in
their essays. Why then should the teacher accept what is “fashionable” in terms of content to teach rather than what has been shown
to be excellent? Even when a good argument arises against the Western canon part of what
constitutes that good argument is KNOWING the
Western canon! If Harold Bloom is correct (the other Bloom) in that Yahweh helps to create Lear–and I think it does–and that it is the profound sense of humanity in Scripture (not the miracles)that promotes that book, then
what kind of humans do we create given the
fashionable agenda of colleges today?